2025 National Weather Service Spotter Training

The National Weather Service Wilmington Office has begun posting it’s Weather Spotter/SKYWARN training schedule for this year.

Please check their website for updated and additional training opportunities and for any possible changes prior to traveling to any in person trainings.

Currently scheduled events for District 3 Counties:

NWS Wilmington will be hosting 2 Virtual Training Sessions (see their schedule for details)

Dayton (Montgomery Co): Saturday, March 8th at Miami Valley Hospital at 9:00AM – Noon.

Bellefontaine (Logan Co): Thursday, March 27th, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center 6PM


New ARRL Emergency Communications Courses 1 April 2024

We  will be releasing the first 2 new EmComm courses April 1.  Basic EmComm and Intermediate EmComm will be live in the ARRL Learning Center April 1.  With the new courses being released the legacy courses will be removed April 1.  Anyone who is currently enrolled in EC-001 or EC-016 will need to complete these courses by April 1 to receive credit for them.  We hope to have Advanced EmComm and ARES Leadership courses complete by early summer.
Josh Johnston, KE5MHV
Director of Emergency Management
ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
Tel: (860) 594-0333 FAX: (860) 594-0303

Community Service Events

The ARRL has changed it’s ARES Reporting categories for monthly reports

Community Service Event (CSE) is the new term for Amateur Radio support to parades, marathons, walks, etc.

Public Service Event (PSE) is now used for assistance given to Served Agencies such as EMA, Police, Fire, etc.

So,  for example, support to the Xenia Marathon will be a CSE

Support for agencies during the Total Eclipse will be a PSE

As time goes on we will be updating this website to match the new terminology.

Keith Burnette, KB8GYB, SK

Keith Burnette, KB8GYB,  has become a Silent Key

Keith was a long time Net Control Operator and former Net Manager for the District 3 ARES Net.

He was also the President of the West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association since it’s founding.


KB8GYB at the UD WMD Drill August 2001


Keith was also active in ARES activities such as supporting the regional WMD Drill held at UD in August of 2001 as shown in this picture.

Viewing for Keith will be on Sunday, September 17, from 2:00 until 4:00 P.M. at the Belton-Stroup Funeral Home, 422 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd., Fairborn.

A graveside service will be held on Monday, Sept 18, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. at Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Pandora, Ohio.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to WCOARA or PBS.

His obituary is available on line here