Many Amateur operators use magnetic signs placed on their vehicles during Public Service Events. They are useful from a PR point of view by letting the public see that we are out there supporting the community. It also helps event officials and other hams spot operators from a distance.
For years, a local club sold sets of signs, but the person in charge (Mike KC8GLE) is now a Silent Key and there is no stock left.
However, you can contact their source at Build A and design and order your own custom signs. Below is a sample of the sign that was sold and is in use by many hams in District 3:
The ARRL also sells Magnetic Vehicle signs. See full information at the ARRL Web Site.
Other sources are and The Sign Man of Baton Rouge. A search of the internet using your favorite search engine will probably turn up several more possibilities.
NOTE: Links to other websites are only examples and do not constitute an endorsement of that site or it’s products by Ohio District 3 ARES