District 3 County Nets

In addition to the District 3 Net, most counties hold their own nets:

Darke County:  Mondays 7:00PM 146.790 (-) T:94.8Hz W8QIY Repeater

Greene County: Tuesdays 9:00PM. Digital net follows the voice net

1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday on the 146.910(-) W8GCA repeater

4th Tuesday on the 442.7250(+) W8GCA repeater

DMR net: Tuesdays 8:30PM                                                                               

444.8750(+), Color Code 13 N8NQH East repeater.                                     

444.4375(+) Color Code 11 N8NQH West repeater                                               

Talk Group 310557 Timeslot 2                                                                                   

For more information see http://tim-yvonne.com/ham/dmr.

WinLink Net: Wednesdays

Miami County

Sundays 9:00PM   145.230(-) T: 100Hz W8FW repeater

Thursdays 8:00PM 147.210(+) T:67Hz W8SWS repeater

Montgomery County: Tuesdays 8:00PM  Digital net follows the voice net

1st and 3rd, Tuesday 146.640(-) T:123Hz K8MCA repeater

2nd Tuesday 444.250(+) T123Hz K8MCA repeater

Last Tuesday: ARES business or general membership meeting

Preble County: Mondays 8:00PM 145.470(-) T:100Hz K8YR repeater

Shelby County: Sundays 7:00PM 146.835(-) T:156.7Hz  K8ZUK repeater