As the newly appointed West Central Ohio ARES Emergency Coordinator for District 3, I want to thank Fred Stone for his assistance as I transition into this new position. It goes without saying; Fred’s guidance leading District 3 has benefited the organization moving it forward.
I want to introduce myself and provide some background. Many of you know me as a Dayton SkyWarn Coordinator assisting with the NWS/SkyWarn weather spotter classes, Hamvention Security Chairman, Montgomery County ARES – AEC Logistics/PIO, or Montgomery County EMA EMCOMM team leader/EOC staff.
I have over 40 years experience in Public Safety involved with a variety of emergency incidents, disasters, planning drill exercises, and instructing public safety courses.
Over the past years, I’ve been a first responder to the major emergency incidents in the Miami Valley region. I’ve been to the Xenia tornadoes 1974 and 2000, Miamisburg train phosphorous incident, blizzard of 1978, and many other incidents.
As an EMCOMM member, in 2019, I worked the water emergency, KKK rally, Tornado outbreak, and the mass shooting with the EMCOMM team/EOC staff members at the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management.
I have years of experience organizing and participating in public service events as a net control operator for area ham clubs and organizations. I’ve been a ham radio operator for 27 years, I enjoy the hobby including being a Volunteer Examiner and experiencing the excitement of students receiving their Technician ham radio license or moving up to the next level.
My years of experience involved in the many aspects of ham radio communications, disasters, planning, and executing drills made my decision to apply for the District Emergency Coordinator.
I’m looking forward to working with everyone and moving ARES into the future. It takes the cooperation of team work to move forward.
Don Parker KB8PSL
District Emergency Coordinator
West Central Ohio District 3 ARES